Year Completed: 2021

About Freshi

Freshi is a meal sharing app designed to simplify the process of deciding what to eat by providing recommendations from trusted sources in users’ communities and on the web that can be filtered to meet any dietary needs.

<aside> 💡 Freshi: Make choosing your next meal the easiest decision of your day!



Goals of This Document

What this document IS

A place to remember the process of designing and implementing Freshi.

What this document IS NOT

A comprehensive case study, or an example of product management best practices.

My Role

This was a collaborative project between Dylan Cameron, the designer, and myself, the product manager and engineer. All of the linked project artifacts were created by me, but informed by our joint vision for Freshi.

All designs and prototyping are the work of Dylan Cameron, a very talented designer out of NYC. Find him on LinkedIn!

Competitive Analysis & Product Vision

View our competitive analysis and screenshots illustrating the initial product vision here.

Additional notes & brainstorms that I found: